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Showing posts with label GLD Sept 30 2010 123 covered call. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GLD Sept 30 2010 123 covered call. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Analysis of gold Sep 30 2010 covered call

Gold shot up today (9/14/2010), so I had to do a quick analysis:

1) close out my call position and sell gold for a profit?


2) leave things alone until expiration and wait for a possible assignment?



Opening trades:

bought gold @ $122.75
at this moment, gold is at $124.48
profit of $1.73 x 100 = $173.00
minus $10 fee to sell gold
NET profit on sale of gold if done now = $163.00


sold call @ $1.67
right now, call costs $2.46 to buy back
cost = $0.79 x 100 = $79.00
initial sell to open fee = $10.75
buy to close fee = $10.75
total costs = $79 + $10.75 + $10.75 = $100.50

CONCLUSION (if close out position now) :

$163 - $100.50 = $62.50



(leave everything alone until expiration and wait for possible assignment)

Strike = $123
bought @ $122.75
Profit = $0.25 x 100 = $25.00


sell to open call @ $1.67 x 100 = $167.00
minus sell to open fee = $10.75
= $156.25
minus assignment fee of $20


Net profit if assigned: $25 (sale of gold) + $136.25 (call option) = $161.25

Net profit if NOT assigned: $167 (for selling call) - $10.75 (fee for opening trade) = $156.25


ANALYSIS ON 9/17/2010

When I logged on this morning at 10:00 am, GLD was trading at $124.74.

The Sept 30 2010 123 call option was trading at $2.48 (bid) and $2.53 (ask).

TRANSLATION: as the price of GLD rises past the strike price of $123, the value of the call option becomes more valuable.