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Thursday, October 22, 2015

Spiders (SPY) Jade Lizard (options)

7/22/2015 (12:40:03 pm, PT)  stoch top

+4  Aug 28, 2015  $217 calls  (16% prob ITM)
-4  Aug 28, 2015  $216 calls  (21% prob ITM)
-4  Aug 28, 2015  $205 puts  (25% prob ITM)

Net credit:  $1.52

8/21/2015 (8:19:55 am, PT)

Roll Aug 28, 2015  $205 puts to Sept 2015  $205 puts

Net credit:  $2.14 (nice)

8/24/2015 (8:20:54 am PT)

  • Dow dropped 1000 points at the Opening Bell

  • Roll Sept 2015  $205 puts to Oct 2015  $205 puts 
  • Net credit:  $0.75

8/28/2015 (expiration)

  • SPY closed at $199.24
  • Credit call spread expired perfectly

9/18/2015 (10:46:18 am, PT)

  • Roll Oct 2015  $205 puts to Nov 2015  $204 puts (roll down 1 strike)
  • Net credit:  $0.65

10/22/2015 (1:02:45 pm, PT)  stoch top

buy back all 4 Nov 2015  $204 puts at $2.50

NET PROFIT:  $994.31


Learn to SELL OPTIONS.  
If your trade goes against you, you can make adjustments so you'll be profitable in the end.

Learn on your own for FREE by watching my YouTube videos HERE or
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Spiders (SPY) Put Options

7/28/2015 (11:31:08 am, PT) 

sell  -4 September 2015  $205 puts at $2.82

Why did I place this trade?
  • stochastics in oversold region
  • 62% probability of success

8/24/2015 (8:23:08 am, PT)
Dow dropped 1000 points at the Opening Bell

Roll Sept 2015 $205 puts to Oct 2015  $205 puts
Net credit:  $0.70

9/18/2015 (11:22:50 am, PT)

Roll Oct 2015  $205 puts to Nov 2015  $204 puts (rolled down 1 strike)

Net credit:  $0.70

10/22/2015 (1:02:45 pm, PT)
stochastics at top

buy back all 4 Nov 2015  $204 puts at $2.50

NET PROFIT:  $650.96


If your trade goes against you, you can make adjustments so you'll be profitable in the end.

Learn on your own for FREE by watching my YouTube videos HERE or
Pay for customized, private training (details HERE).

Spiders (SPY) Jade Lizard (options)

7/21/2015 (11:58:50 am, PT)  RD
stochastics top

+7 Aug 28, 2015  $217 calls at $0.67  (18% prob ITM)
-7 Aug 28, 2015  $216 calls at $0.95  (23% prob ITM)
-7 Aug 28, 2015  $204 puts at $1.18  (23% prob ITM)

Net credit:  $1.46

8/12/2015 (6:30:02 am, PT)
stochastics bottom

buy back all 7 of the $216 short calls at $0.05

8/24/2015 (7:09:04 am, PT)
The Dow dropped 1000 points at the Opening Bell

Roll to Nov 2015  $204 puts 

Net credit:  $3.89 (nice!)

8/28/2015 (expiration)

The Aug 28, 2015  $217 long calls expired "worthless"

10/22/2015 (10:40:11 am, PT)

buy back all 7 Nov $204 puts at $2.64



Learn to SELL OPTIONS.  
If your trade goes against you, you can make adjustments so you'll be profitable in the end.

Learn on your own for FREE by watching my YouTube videos HERE or
Pay for customized, private training (details HERE).

Spiders (SPY) Put Options

7/21/2015 (11:38:56 am, PT)  FP

sold  -4 August 28, 2015  $205 puts at $1.30

probability of success:  75%

  • I was impatient and sold (to open) these puts even though the timing was horrible (i.e., the stochastics were in the "overbought" region)
  • On August 28 (expiration), these options did, indeed, end up in-the-money

8/21/2015 (7:42:02 am, PT)

Roll all 4 August $205 puts to October 2, 2015  $200 puts
Net credit:  $0.45

  • The net credit of $0.45 is very small, but I wanted to roll down my strikes for safety.

8/24/2015 (6:59:29 am, PT)

The Dow dropped 1000 points at the Opening Bell.

Roll all 4 Oct 2, 2015  $200 puts to November 2015  $200 puts
Net credit:  $1.55

10/22/2015 (10:33:11 am, PT) 

buy back all 4 Nov 2015  $200 puts at $1.58

Why did I close this trade?
  • stochastics in overbought region
  • SPY up 1.69% today



Learn to SELL OPTIONS.  
If your trade goes against you, you can make adjustments so you'll be profitable in the end.

Learn on your own for FREE by watching my YouTube videos HERE or
Pay for customized, private training (details HERE).

Monday, September 28, 2015

Russell 2000 ETF (IWM) Iron condor

9/4/2015 (11:11:31 am, PT)

buy +1 October 2015  $119 call
sell -1 October 2015  $115 call  (37% prob ITM)
sell -1 October 2015  $109 put  (40% prob ITM)
buy +1 October 2015  $107 put

net credit:  $2.02 x 1 x 100 =  $202 received

  • no risk on the down side
  • $198 risk on the up side
  • break even at $117.02

9/28/2015 (9:46:15 am, PT)

buy back entire iron condor for $1.11 (debit)

NET PROFIT:  $78.64


Use OPTIONS to hedge on the down side.
Learn on your own for FREE by watching my videos HERE or
Pay for private training (details HERE).

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Spiders (SPY) August Jade Lizard

6/25/2015 (12:42:16 pm, PT)  RD

buy +4 August 2015  $216 calls at $1.24  [22% prob ITM]
sell -4 August 2015  $215 calls at $1.60  [26% prob ITM]
sell -4 August 2015  $203 puts at $2.18  [30% prob ITM]

Why did I place this trade?
  • stochastics in overbought region
  • max profit = $1016 if SPY closes between $203 and $215 at expiration

8/12/2015 (6:43 am, PT)  [stochastics bottom]

buy to close the four $215 short calls at $0.04 to remove the risk

8/19/2015 (11:12:45 am, PT)

buy to close the four $203 puts at $0.04 to remove the risk

8/21/2015 (expiration)

the four long $216 calls expired "worthless"

NET PROFIT:  $966.40


THANK GOD I closed those four naked puts early because SPY closed at $197.63 on Expiration Friday!!!!  Those puts would have ended up ITM. 

The lesson here is:  

Use OPTIONS to enhance your returns and protect your portfolio.
Learn on your own for FREE by watching MY VIDEOS HERE or 
Pay for customized, one-on-one training (details HERE).

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Spiders (SPY) Jade Lizard (options)

6/25/2015 (11:50:25 am, PT)

buy  +1 August 2015  $216 call at $1.25
sell  -1 August 2015  $215 call at $1.61  (27% prob ITM)
sell  -1 August 2015  $203 put at $2.18   (30% prob ITM)

Why did I place this trade?
  • stochastics in "overbought" region
  • if SPY closes between $203 and $215, profit = $254
  • if SPY closes above $216, profit =  $154 (fine)

8/13/2015 (12:26:36 pm, PT)

buy (to close) 1 August 2015  $215 call at $0.02 (to remove the risk)

8/18/2015 (9:50:44 am, PT)

buy (to close) 1 August 2015  $203 put at $0.05 (to remove the risk)

8/21/2015 (expiration)

the long $216 calls expired "worthless"

NET PROFIT:  $237.56


THANK GOD I bought back those short puts early because they would have ended up ITM on Expiration Friday (8/21/2015).  SPY closed at $197.63 on expiration.

Learn to trade OPTIONS.  It's easy, fun and profitable!
Learn on your own for FREE by watching MY VIDEOS HERE or
Pay for private, 1-on-1 training (details HERE).

Friday, August 14, 2015

Spiders (SPY) Aug Put Options

7/21/2015 (11:50:17 am, PT)  stoch top (bad!)

sell  -10 August 28, 2015  $202.50 puts at $1.00

Probability ITM:  20%

8/14/2015 (11:42:29 am, PT)

buy (to close) all 10 puts at $0.44

NET PROFIT:  $537.38


Learn to trade OPTIONS.  It's easy, fun and profitable!
Learn on your own for FREE by watching MY VIDEOS HERE or
Pay for private, 1-on-1 training (details HERE).

Friday, July 31, 2015

Spiders (SPY) August Put Options

7/2/2015 RD

sell  -1 August 2015  $191 put at $1.26

Why did I place this trade?
  • stochastics in "oversold" region
  • high implied volatility
  • 83% probability of success


buy back put option at $0.10



Sell put options and get paid up front.
Learn on your own for FREE by watching MY VIDEOS or
Pay for one-on-one training (details HERE).

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Spiders (SPY) Credit Put Spread

6/30/2015 (9:37:15 am, PT)

sell -10 August 2015  $180 puts at $0.83 (10.27% prob ITM)
buy +10 August 2015  $170 puts at $0.43 (5.50% prob ITM)

Why did I place this trade?

  • stochastics in oversold region
  • high implied volatility
  • max profit:  $400

7/30/2015 (11:42:20 am, PT)

buy to close all 10 of the $180 puts at $0.05
sell to close all 10 of the $170 puts at $0.02

NET PROFIT:  $323.87


Learn to trade PUT OPTIONS.
Learn on your own for FREE by watching my videos HERE or
Pay for online, one-on-one training (details HERE).

Friday, July 17, 2015

Spiders (SPY) July Jade Lizard

5/11/2015 (10:44:40 am, PT)

buy  +4 July 2015  $216 calls at $1.78
sell  -4 July 2015  $215 calls at $2.20  (32% probability ITM)
sell  -4 July 2015  $205 puts at $3.03  (35% probability ITM)

Why did I place this trade?
  • stochastics in "overbought" region
  • high probability of success
  • no matter where SPY lands at expiration,  this trade will still be profitable

  • If SPY closes between $205 and $215 (ideal outcome), profit will be $1380
  • If SPY closes above $216, profit will be $980

7/6/2015 (6:30:02 am, PT)

buy back the 4 short calls ($215 strike) at $0.04 to remove the risk

7/17/2015 (expiration)

SPY closed at $212.47 (ideal!), so short puts and long calls expired "worthless"

NET PROFIT:  $1347.51


Sell put options and GET PAID up front!
Learn on your own for FREE (watch MY VIDEOS) or
Pay for 1-on-1 training (details HERE).

Spiders (SPY) Put Options

6/9/2015 (12:06:16 pm, PT)

sell  -3 July 2015  $203 puts at $2.18

Why did I place this trade?
  • stochastics in "oversold" region
  • probability of success:  68%

7/17/2015 (expiration)

SPY closed at $212.47, so puts expired "worthless"

NET PROFIT:  $649.39


Sell put options and GET PAID up front!
Learn on your own for FREE (watch MY VIDEOS) or
Pay for 1-on-1 training (details HERE).

Spiders (SPY) July Ratio Put Spread

5/22/2015 (10:35:02 am, PT)  RD

buy  +6 July 2015  $210 puts at $2.96
sell  -12 July 2015  $209 puts at $2.67 (37% probability ITM)

  • net credit:  $2.38 x 6 x 100 =  $1428
  • max potential profit:  $2028
  • stochastics in "overbought" region

7/16/2015 (6:48:36 am, PT)  stoch top

buy back 6 July $209 puts at $0.05 to remove the risk
leave open July 209/210 debit put spread for potential profit on 7/17 (expiration)

7/17/2015 (expiration)

SPY closed above $212 so debit put spread expired worthless

NET PROFIT:  $1370.27


Learn to trade PUT OPTIONS.  It's easy, fun and profitable.
Learn on your own for FREE (watch MY VIDEOS) or
Pay for 1-on-1 training (details HERE).

XLI July Put Options

6/8/2015 (12:56:39 pm, PT)  RD

sell  -1 July 2015  $55 put at $0.99

7/17/2015 (10:35:38 am, PT)  expiration Friday

buy back put at $0.18 to remove the risk of assignment
(XLI was trading at $54.84 with no extrinsic value remaining)

Note:  XLI hit a low of $53.35 on July 8 (eek!)

NET PROFIT:  $77.92


Learn on your own for FREE (watch my videos HERE) or
Pay for 1-on-1 training (details HERE).

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Spiders (SPY) July Ratio Put Spread

5/11/2015 (12:49:58 pm, PT)  FP

Ratio Put Spread (stochastics rising)

buy  +4 July 2015  $202 puts at $2.56
sell  -8 July 2015  $201 puts at $2.355 (28% probability ITM)

net credit received:  $2.15 x 4 x 100 =  $860
max potential profit:  $1260


buy back 4 July 2015  $201 puts at $0.04 to remove the risk
let debit put spread expire on 7/17

NET PROFIT:  $826.68


Learn to trade PUT OPTIONS.  It's easy, fun and profitable.
Learn on your own for FREE by watching MY VIDEOS HERE or
Pay for one-on-one training (details HERE).

Spiders (SPY) June/July Put Options

4/14/2015 (12:21:06 pm, PT)  FP

sell  -3 June 2015  $195 puts at $1.56

net credit:  $1.56

5/22/2015 (11:40:55 am, PT)  ROLL TO JULY (to save on commissions)

buy to close  +3 June 2015  $195 puts at $0.20
sell to open  -3 July 2015  $202 puts at $1.36

net credit:  $1.16

7/14/2015 (6:51:34 am, PT)

buy to close +3 July  $202 puts at $0.05 to remove the risk

NET PROFIT:  $778.06


Learn to trade PUT OPTIONS.  It's easy, fun and profitable.
Learn on your own for FREE by watching MY VIDEOS HERE or
Pay for one-on-one training (details HERE).

Spiders (SPY) July Ratio Put Spread

5/11/2015 (12:58:49 pm, PT)  RD

Ratio Put Spread (stochastics in "overbought" region)

buy  +3 July 2015  $204 puts at $3.02
sell  -6 July 2015  $203 puts at $2.785  (32% probability ITM)

Net credit received:  $2.55 x 3 x 100 =  $765
Max potential profit:  $1065

7/14/2015 (12:35:53 pm, PT)

buy back 3 July 2015  $203 puts at $0.05 to remove the risk
let remaining debit put spread expire on 7/17

NET PROFIT:  $736.20


Learn to trade PUT OPTIONS.  It's easy, fun and profitable.
Learn on your own for FREE by watching MY VIDEOS HERE or
Pay for one-on-one training (details HERE).

Spiders (SPY) July Put Options

6/8/2015 (10:29:01 am, PT)  RD

sell  -2 July 2015  $203 puts at $2.29

7/15/2015 (7:06:48 am, PT)

buy back all puts at $0.04 to remove the risk

NET PROFIT:  $448.43


Learn to trade PUT OPTIONS.  It's easy, fun and profitable.
Learn on your own for FREE by watching MY VIDEOS HERE or
Pay for one-on-one training (details HERE).

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Spiders (SPY) July Put Options

5/29/2015 (12:59:38 pm, PT)  RD

sell  -2 July 2015  $203 puts at $1.84

probability of success:  84%

7/14/2015 (7:55:13 am, PT)

buy back all puts at $0.05 to remove the risk

NET PROFIT:  $348.48


Learn to trade PUT OPTIONS.  It's easy, fun and profitable.
Learn on your own for FREE by watching MY VIDEOS HERE or
Pay for one-on-one training (details HERE).

Monday, July 13, 2015

SPY August Put Options

6/30/2015 (9:21:05 am, PT)

sell (to open)  -10 August 2015  $185 puts at $1.07

Why did I place this trade?
  • stochastics in "oversold" region
  • implied volatility was high
  • probability of success =  87%

7/13/2015 (10:05:38 am, PT)

buy (to close) all +10 puts at $0.28

Why did I place this trade?

NET PROFIT:  $767.43 in 2 weeks


Learn to trade PUT OPTIONS.  It's easy, fun and profitable!
Learn on your own for FREE by watching MY VIDEOS or
Pay for one-on-one training (details HERE).