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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

DIA July Put Options

6/11/2014 (RD)

sell (to open) 2 July 2014 $165 puts at $1.13

probability of success:  70%

7/15/2014 (4 days before exp)

buy (to close) both puts at $0.05

NET PROFIT:  $206.43 (ROC 3.28% in 1 month)


Learn to SELL PUT OPTIONS.  It's easy, fun and profitable!

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Friday, June 27, 2014

Gold (GLD) Put Options


Sold (to open) 1 July 2014 $118 put for $1.31
(received $131 cash)

Reasons for placing trade:

  • GLD was "oversold" according to the stochastics (see chart)
  • probability of success:  67%


bought (to close) GLD put for $0.05 (see chart)

NET PROFIT:  $118.18 (in 1 month)


  • Sell (to open) put options when the underlying is "oversold" (check out my impeccable timing!)
  • Choose put options that are out-of-the-money (OTM)
  • Once your opening trade has filled, go back into your account right away and submit a "buy to close" GTC order at $0.05
  • Sit back and WAIT......
WARNING:  We're not aiming for "home runs" when trading options ...... we just want to "get on base" EVERY TIME!


Learn to SELL PUT OPTIONS!  It's easy, fun and PROFITABLE!

Learn on your own for FREE at or.....
Pay for private, 1-on-1 training (click here for details).

Friday, June 20, 2014

SPY Put Options

5/14/2014 (RD)

sold (to open) 2 June 2014 $187 puts at $2.03
(received $406 cash)

probability of success:  62%

6/20/2014 (expiration)

SPY closed at $195.94.  Perfect!

NET PROFIT:  $396.49


Learn to trade OPTIONS.  It's easy, fun and profitable!

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SPY Put Options

5/14/2014 (FP)

sold (to open) 1 June 2014 $187 put at $2.06
(received $206 cash)

probability of success:  62%

6/20/2014 (expiration)

SPY closed at $195.94.  Perfect!

NET PROFIT:  $197.26


Learn to trade OPTIONS!  It's easy, fun and profitable!

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Thursday, June 19, 2014

IWM Synthetic Long

3/26/2014 (RD)

+1 January 2015 $115 call at $7.70 (ATM call)
-1 January 2015 $115 put at $9.05 (ATM put)
Net credit:  $1.35

Reason for initiating trade:  "oversold"
(see chart)


sell to close call option at $7.12
buy to close put option at $6.27
Net credit:  $0.85

Reason for closing trade:  "overbought"
(see chart)


On 4/2/2014 (see chart), IWM was "overbought" again.  If I had closed my position that day ($1.94 credit), my gross profit would have been $329 in just SIX days!!  But no....I waited instead.... and IWM took a dive.  So, the LESSON is:  TAKE YOUR PROFITS!!! (especially if you're trading long options)


Learn to trade options.  It's easy, fun and profitable.
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Gold (GLD) Put Options

6/4/2014 (RD)

sold (to open) 2 July 2014 $117 puts for $1.17
(I received $234 in cash)

Reasons for placing this trade:
  • Probability of success:  68%
  • "Oversold" (see chart)


bought (to close) both puts for $0.10
(I spent $20)

Reasons for closing this position:
  • GLD rose 3% today.....a lovely surprise!
  • I've collected 91% of the maximum profit in just 2 weeks
  • "Overbought" (see chart)

NET PROFIT:  $194.99 (in 2 weeks)

Note the IMPECCABLE TIMING of my opening and closing trades!  Obviously, I don't have a crystal ball, but I aim to SELL PUTS at the bottom of the stochastics and I aim to buy them back at the top of the stochastics.  It's that simple!

Learn to SELL PUT OPTIONS!  It's easy, fun and PROFITABLE!!
Learn on your own for FREE at or....
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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Diamonds (DIA) Put Options


sold (to open) 2 June 2014 $160 puts for $1.15
(I received $230 in cash)

Reasons for placing this trade on 5/20:
  • Bottom of stochastics ("oversold") (see chart)
  • Dow dropped over 100 points which brought DIA down to the 50 EMA (see chart)
  • Probability of success:  70%

6/17/2014 (4 days left until expiration)

bought back puts for $0.02

NET PROFIT:  $217.39


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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Spiders (SPY) Ratio Put Spread

4/25/2014 (Fri)

+4 June 2014 $178 puts at $1.69
-8 June 2014 $177 puts at $1.52 (probability ITM = 23%)
Net credit:  $1.35

6/11/2014 (Wed)

buy (to close) 4 June 2014 $177 puts at $0.03

Let the 177/178 debit put spread expire on June 20 (unless SPY goes down)

NET PROFIT (as of June 11):  $511.57

Note:  if SPY dips below $178 on June 20, my debit put spread will become profitable.


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QQQ Put Options

2/25/2014 (FP)
sold (to open) 2 April 2014 $89 puts for $1.45
(received $290)
Note:  the $89 strike price was later adjusted to $88.63 due to a special dividend

rolled April puts to May 2014 for $0.47
(received another $94)

rolled May puts to June 2014 for $1.00
(received another $200)

bought (to close) the 2 June 2014 $88.63 puts for $0.05
(spent $10)



Learn to SELL PUT OPTIONS.  It's easy, fun and profitable.

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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Mastercard (MA) Put Options


sold (to open) 4 April 2014  $76 puts for $1.57

(I received $628)


rolled my April puts to July 2014 for $1.44

(I received another $576)


bought back (to close) my 4 July 2014 puts for $1.37

(I spent $548)

TOTAL NET PROFIT:  $619.52  (ROC 2.038% in 3 months)


Learn to SELL PUT OPTIONS!  It's easy, fun and profitable!

Learn on your own for FREE at or....

Pay for private, one-on-one training (e-mail me at

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Russell 2000 ETF (IWM) Put Options


sold (to open) 1 April 2014  $114 put for $1.66 (credit)
(cash received = $166)


rolled April 2014  $114 put to June 2014  $114 put for $1.97 (new credit)
(cash received = $197)


bought (to close) June 2014  $114 put for $1.28 (debit)
(cash spent = $128)


On 3/26/2014, IWM was trading between $114.65 and $117.68.  
Let's suppose you had bought 100 shares of IWM at $116.16 (average price) instead of selling a put option like I did.

On 6/5/2014, when I closed my PUT OPTION for a PROFIT, IWM was trading between $112.09 and $114.88.  If you had sold your IWM shares on 6/5, you would have locked in a LOSS of $128 - $407, depending on what price you actually received.

This is a perfect example of why SELLING PUT OPTIONS is BETTER than just buying (long) a stock (or ETF).  When you SELL PUT OPTIONS, you're selling "time," so you will make money even if the stock/ETF goes down.

Check out my FREE lessons on YouTube ( and learn to SELL PUT OPTIONS!

It's easy, fun and most importantly, PROFITABLE!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

SPY May Put Options

3/11/2014 (RD)

sold (to open) 2 April 2014 $186 puts at $2.73
(received $546)

probability of success:  55%

4/11/2014 (Fri)  Rolled to May

bought (to close) 2 April 2014 $186 puts
sold (to open) 2 May 2014 $186 puts
New credit:  $1.24 (received $248)

5/14/2014 (Wed)

bought (to close) both May puts at $0.04 ($8.00 debit)

NET PROFIT:   $765.36  (2.057% return in 2 months)


Selling put options is better than buying the underlying.

Pay for one-on-one, online training with Lilia ( or....

Learn on your own for FREE.

SPY May Put Options

3/11/2014 (FP)

Sold (to open) 1 April 2014 $183 put at $1.81

probability of success:  67%

4/15/2014 (Tue)  Rolled to May

Bought (to close) 1 April 2014 $183 put
Sold (to open) 1 May 2014 $183 put
New credit:  $1.94

5/14/2014 (Wed)

Bought (to close) May put at $0.02

NET PROFIT:  $362.66


Learn to trade options.  It's easy and fun!

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Learn on your own for FREE.

Gold (GLD) May Put Options

Watch video: "Selling Gold Put Options Trumps Buy-and-Hold Strategy"


Sold (to open) 2 May 2014 $123 puts at $1.60

Probability of success:  66%

5/14/2014 (Wed)

bought (to close) both puts at $0.05

NET PROFIT:  $301.39


Learn to trade options.  It's easy and fun!

Pay for one-on-one, online training with Lilia ( or....

Learn on your own for FREE.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

SPY May 2 2014 Put Options

Watch on YouTube:  How I managed these put options, which went "in-the-money."


Sell (to open) 2 May 2, 2014 SPY $183 puts at $2.12

Cash received:  $424

Probability of success:  60%

5/1/2014 (Thu)

buy (to close) both put options at $0.02

NET PROFIT:   $410.44


Learn to trade options with Lilia.
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Thursday, April 24, 2014

SPY Jan 2015 Synthetic Long Stock

Watch my YouTube video:  How to use options to simulate a long stock position (Synthetic Long Stock).


buy (to open) 1 January 2015 $184 call option at $9.07
sell (to open) 1 January 2015 $184 put option at $10.36

I received $129.

Reasons for placing this trade:  SPY had been "oversold."
This is a "double bullish" trade.  Both options are at-the-money.


sell (to close) the call option at $10.65
buy (to close) the put option at $8.64

I received another $201.

NET PROFIT:  $312.82 (in 2 weeks)


Learn to trade options with Lilia.

Pay for private, one-on-one training (e-mail Lilia for details) or.......

Learn on your own for FREE at

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

XLI May Put Options


sell (to open) 2 May 2014 $51 put options for $1.00

Probability of success:  53%
Reasons for placing the trade:  ETF has been "oversold" and is touching "support"


buy (to close) both puts for $0.19

Reason for closing position:  ETF is approaching "overbought" condition

NET PROFIT:   $144.88


Learn to trade options with Lilia......

Pay for private, one-on-one training (e-mail Lilia) or
Learn for FREE at

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

$IWM April 2014 Put Options


sell (to open) 1 April 2014  $114 put at $1.66
(I received $166)

4/15/2014 (roll to June for another credit of $1.97)

buy (to close) 1 April 2014  $114 put 
sell (to open)  1 June 2014  $114 put
(I received another $197)


Learn to trade options with a high probability of success.
Contact Lilia at

Or.....learn for FREE at

$SPY April Put Options

3/11/2014 (FP)

sell (to open) 1 April 2014  $183 put option at $1.81
(received $181)

4/15/2014 ("roll" my April put to May for $1.94)

buy (to close) 1 April 2014  $183 put 
sell (to open) 1 May 2014  $183 put
(received another $194)


Learn to trade options with a high probability of success.
Contact Lilia at
Or....... learn for FREE at

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

$SPY April Put Options


sell (to open) 1 April 2014 $185 put at $2.50

probability of success:  60%


buy (to close) put at $0.60

NET PROFIT:   $174.43


Learn to trade options with Lilia.
Twitter: @lilialam (sample lessons)